What's Hip

Who Am I

My Photo
John Curtis photo/video
Petoskey, Michigan, United States
John Curtis D.O.B - 3/17/1986 Photographer/Videographer Equipment? 2 - Canon 60d bodies 1 - Sigma EX DC HSM 10-20mm lens 1 - Sigma EX DC HSM 50-200mm lens 1 - Canon 18-55mm lens 2 - Double battery extension grips 2 - Canon 430 EXII speedlite flash' 2 - Fluid head tripods 2 - Wireless lapel microphone systems 1 - 6ft dolly 1 - 8ft crane 8 - Extra batterys
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Monday, May 2, 2011

A guy and a camera

My name is John Curtis.
I am 25 years old.
I am married to the love of my life, Bre.
We have a beautiful baby boy, Hucker John-Wesley.
We are lucky enough to live in a one of the most beautiful areas of the world, Petoskey MI.

     I love being behind a camera; Capturing life frame by frame and putting my own touch on things,
here is a short look into my Long Term Relationship with Photo and Video;

     I have always been into sports, hockey, soccer, skateboarding, snowboarding, rollerblading, biking and more. At a young age I noticed the huge impact that PHOTO and Video had on these sports.
     In Snowboarding, as an athlete, there is no greater accomplishment than having a photo of yourself featured in a magazine or a video part in a production.  As a photographer or videographer, there is no greater accomplishment than having one of your photos published ,or video used in a production. This makes for crazy energy within these sports, and fuels the fire for progression, for both athlete and artist!
     I would look up to the people i saw riding in the magazines, picture myslef hiking into the backcountry in Utah, or hitting a 100ft jump in a terrain park at Mammoth Mountain California.   So naturaly my friends and I grabbed our parents cameras and camcorders and ran out to the drive way, backyard or wherever our current infatuation of sport had manifested its self. 
     At first our attempts at capturing images like we saw in the mags and videos seemed cute, but fell far short of what we actually saw.  As time went on our efforts became more strategic and thought out.  At one point I think we had 3 VCR's hooked together with a life line linking them all to my dads stereo receiver.  I would play the raw footage on one VCR, have a blank in another for dubbing the raw clips into to create a clean cut clip, and another blank to dub the clean clips and music into as a seamless edit.  It was COMPLICATED! but way worth it! There was nothing better to a bunch of 10 year old action sports kids, we thought we were going pro! In every aspect.
     And so was the progression of the next 10 years of my life.
I continued to snowboard and skateboard, taking it more and more serious every season.  Which ment we had to collect better photo and video every season, make end of year edits and try to impress our local brand reps with photos.  Digital came around when I was about 13 and my life became much easier.  No more pricey developing costs for my parents (thanks mom and dad), no more living room floor, triple dubbing editing rigs either!
     Now I was always a pretty good athlete, but at somepoint I started to notice the difference between the people in my crew of friends, and it ended up leading my down my current life path.  To my left was a friend that was an "ok" athlete but for the most part just had fun riding his snowboard.  I stood in the middle, a "good" athlete in anybodys book with an intense passion for riding. To my right were the friends that were "great" athletes and had an actual chance at making it in the snowboarding world.  We were riding one day and I thought to myself, 'where is the camera?'. All these kids were doing amazing things, but we had all gotten so into riding that we were missing all the real action by not having the cameras rolling!!!
     2005 was the year that I began to take PHOTO and VIDEO serious.  I started looking at different angles, perspectives, motions.  I began to listen a bit more to people as they spoke to me on hill.  I began to see life through a constant lens. A lens that allowed me to document the things I was most passionate about!
     In 2005 my then girlfriend and now wife Bre packed out stuff into a car and headed outwest to Park City Utah and the rest is pretty simple.  I met some wonderfully talented people who saw something in me and helped me along my path.  To these peole I am indebted to for the wisdom and knowledge they bestowed upon me, Chris Matye, Eric Hutchins, Bayou Dave, Jon Mon, Dave Park, Mick and Wendy Papp, Brady Fox, Zo and many more.
     We stayed in Utah until early 2008 filming and photographing snowboarding events like the World Superpipe Championships and the Roxy Chicken Jam, mountain biking in Moab, t.v spots for the Park City Info Channel, skateboarding, scrapbooking, music and more.  The last year we lived outwest we even traveled the country with a group of up and coming snowboarders and filmed a full length production called "The Exposure Project".  Bre and I got married that year and decided we'd move back to the mitten state and build ourselves a family.
     So that brings us pretty much to the present.  Right now I run my own Digital Media business, John Curtis Photo&Video during the warm months and Manage the Terrain Parks at Nub's Nob Ski Area in Harbor Springs and also produce a weekly webcast for the resort during the winter.
     I have learned to appreciate so many things by placing myself behind the lens, to look at things and see them in a different light.  Currently my summer is filled mostly with weddings on the weekends and promotional videos for local business' during the weekdays.  Bre, Hucker and myself love to go hiking and biking and of course snowboarding together and my brother Jeremy and I are avid Great Lakes fisherman.  My family is healthy, business is good, life happens everyday and I intend to capture as much of it as I can.  A GUY AND A CAMERA